Friday, June 3, 2011

Family Vacation

Ok so We the Andersons' decided to take a family mini vacation over Memorial Day weekend.

Mr. Man the kids and I.  Mr. Man's Brother Aunt Mary and their 6 Kids. Uncle Chuck and 4 more cousins.  All headed to Clear Lake Iowa for a Fishing trip.

You would think with all those people it would be a time to remember.  Well it was COLD RAINY WINDY.  Nothing could have made it any worse, well maybe snow, but we made the best of it.

We made it to the lake a few 100 time, the park a few 100 more and all around had a good time.

This was the first year that we made the trip.  It was nice to get away from everyday life and just chillax or so they say

Might I say that the fish really wrent bitting this year but Uncle Chuck made the best of that to we now know him as the fish whisper....