So let me take this time to Introduce the Andersons' and their extended family, remember a Family the Plays together Stays together.

Here is TWIN 1 Uncle Leland yep the world has been given two, What would we have done if there had only been one one can only dream.

This is Aunt Mary the glue that holds her brood together. With out her what would they all do. She is owner and operator a her own BED & BREAKFAST better know as Mary Crash Landing Pad. You should come some time there is never a dull moment.

Melinda & Jasmine they are the oldest 2 of the bunch. This is their home coming. Showing some sisterly love the raining Beauty Queens

Miss Melinda will just scream to see her face on this but at least I'll get a good laugh. She pretends to be shy but we all know she has the same attitude as the rest of us once she comes out of her shell <3 little mama

Little Miss Katie Faye!!!!!!! Getting ready for her 8TH grade graduation so pretty in her dress, she looks so happy cant ya tell that she had to have a pic taken but wait there is more

Here she is Beautiful as ever ( pic from cousin Tara). Could not believe there was such a cute lady under all that hard exterior

IT's Lisa Marie the biggest JUSTIN BEIBER fan outside of my little girl their gonna fight over who's gonna marry him. She is the Princess of the family with an attitude to go with it.
Curtis & Tiffany
He is the quite one of the family but give the guy a break he is the only guy in a house full of girls, well beside uncle Leland but he a girl sometimes too.
This one here Tiffany she is always acting mean but if you get her to smile and laugh its all an act. She has a hard shell too but once you crack it she a ray of sunshine

Baby Briana often called Brian she is the youngest of the clan and the Spunkiest of them all. Love her Daddy and plays the Daddy's girl roll quite well.

Uncle Daland TWIN 2 and Family Nanny hes watched all of the kids from birth to school. Maybe he will be Great Uncle Nanny too

Daland Jr. Is the Oldest of all the kids and off doing his own thing chasing Ladies and working

I call her Dalynda Lee Anderson a girl after my own heart. INDEPENDENT. Goofy Silly oh don ya want to see her being goofy and silly LOOK DOWN

AWWW she's gonna kill me for this but I wanta laugh too

Laurie and Baby Alivia smile ladies. Baby is getting so big now and mama is a pro with her. We all knew you would!!!!

Sabrina Miss Tuddy to you all. Spunky lady and loves to stand her ground she can say what she wants about her family but you better not even try <3 ya bri
And last but not least
who is really just a big teddy bear
MR. Anderson
The Real BOSS
Mrs. Andreson
And you all have meet my Munchkins
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