I am so amazing>>>>>>
Need I say more it is 9:45 pm and I believe that Tristan has been in bed for about 2 hours not realizing that he has been asleep. He helped his Uncle Nanny cut grass and is has allergies BOOO. So got him some benadryl and he is knocked out lol.
Girls went down at 9pm and the house is quite for the most part got MR. Man, Uncle Nanny and Uncle Lee Lee as Akasha calls him.
So its getting louder here but oh well, there boys right. What do ya do
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Omg its 9:45pm
Posted by The Momma at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 23, 2011
My Big Little Boy
It's been awhile since my last post. I have been real busy with work, its a hard job in the collections world. Being a mommy and house wife. IT'S a hard 3 jobs but someone had to do it.
Posted by The Momma at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 6, 2011
Akasha and her favorite thing to do
I have belonged to a Mommies Message board for quite sometime called JUSTMOMMIES or JM.
These are some great ladies that offers some support and advice for EVERYTHING from trying to conceive to raising teens. I belonged to a very special board AUG 2009 PLAYROOM we have all been together since we found out we were gonna have a little one, for some it was their first and for others like me it was a old hat.
One Post inspired this current blog.
I have been brushing Akasha teeth since she got her first tooth. She loves it and sometimes reminds me that we need to brush....
In her cuter than cute voice MOMMY USH MOMMY USH

So we finish and she gives me a look at her pearly whites. With a huge smile while licking her tooth paste mouth
Posted by The Momma at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 5, 2011
My Picky Eater
With Tristan its always been a known fact the he is very PICKY when it comes to eating.
He is a non meat eating child so what ever I cook I have to think will he eat it or do I have to take his food out prior to adding the meat.
On Friday I
Here is the items used, Now be prepared don't laugh to hard.
Yeah I know so lame you thought that this was gonna be something new for you family to eat. I told you that he is very picky. I have had several conversations with his DR and he does not seem to be worried I mean he is 75lbs, but who can live on Ramen, Chicken Nuggets, and Cheese Pizza Rolls
Posted by The Momma at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 3, 2011
Anderson Introductions (well Kinda)
So let me take this time to Introduce the Andersons' and their extended family, remember a Family the Plays together Stays together.

Posted by The Momma at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Family Vacation
Ok so We the Andersons' decided to take a family mini vacation over Memorial Day weekend.
Mr. Man the kids and I. Mr. Man's Brother Aunt Mary and their 6 Kids. Uncle Chuck and 4 more cousins. All headed to Clear Lake Iowa for a Fishing trip.
You would think with all those people it would be a time to remember. Well it was COLD RAINY WINDY. Nothing could have made it any worse, well maybe snow, but we made the best of it.
We made it to the lake a few 100 time, the park a few 100 more and all around had a good time.
This was the first year that we made the trip. It was nice to get away from everyday life and just chillax or so they say
Posted by The Momma at 8:37 PM 0 comments