Saturday, May 7, 2011

First Days Of Summer

Today begins the first day of our summer. The weather has finally decided to be warm enough to release the kids on the world. I have kept them cooped in the house long enough.

Today I woke up with a plan we were going to do our shopping for the week at our favorite place WAL-Mart, I mean really who can not got here its a one stop shop for the time crunched family. Did I mention the money saving that you can expect to get....

I promised the Kids Tristan 9, Anya 5 and Akasha 21 months that if they could behave at the store we would go to the park. It all went off with out a hitch. They helped gathering the items that we needed with no fighting and yelling. It was amazing who knew how far a little bribery would go. I think that I found my new weapon.

With Mr. Dad working this Saturday I figured why should we be cooped up in the house all day waiting on him it was a great day to get out in the air.

After off loading our Wal-Mart Scores we headed to the park but not before we stop at out favorite spot for slushies Quick Trip.

The kids are a bit upset when we get there and they realize that the wading pools are not running. After a quick explanation of it needing to be warmer for a long period of time before they run them on they calmed down.

We pull in kids are escaping from mom, at which time I give them there direction of which parks they can play at and they head off.

Akasha and I with cousin Cinda head to the grass to relax for a while and snap some pictures.

Akasha Jade

Seems that she is not as Happy as most babies in a swing she just really wanted to vacate the contraption

Tristan Alexander

My fast growing young man made a friend

Princess Anya Elizabeth

The next super model. Daddy cant wait